How to Get Rid of Weeds Without Killing Grass – 7 Effective Ways

As much as we all love the sight of a lush green appeal of lawns, the sight of one or two dandelions doesn’t hurt. But it is this kind of thinking that could cost you your whole lawn if you do not take the necessary control measures.

Those two or more plants of weeds in your lawn produce seeds and multiply, while at the same time their roots spread far and wide. By the time you realize it, the whole lawn is overtaken by these undesirable plants.

Various methods of controlling weeds may end up harming or completely killing your grass. They include incorrect use of non-selective chemical herbicides or other weed control methods not recommended for your turf type.

How to Get Rid of Weeds Without Killing Grass

It is easier to harm your lawn grass while attempting to control weeds. However, the following are ways of getting rid of weeds in a lawn without killing your grass

1. Handpicking the weeds

Using manual tools like hoe or shovel is the best way to remove weeds from your lawn. The best thing about this method of weed removal is that it is selective to the weeds only, without interfering with the grass.

While it may be a little exhausting to handpick weeds, especially on a large lawn but the benefits will be worth it. When handpicking the weeds, ensure to remove the plants from the roots so that they do not regrow.

Weeds such as dandelions that have taproots can always regrow if the plant is not properly removed.

2. Flame weeding

Just like the name suggests, flame weeding involves passing a hot flame over the weed plants. The source of the flame is usually a propane tank placed on the lawn. The flame has to be brought directly over the weed plants to avoid damaging the grass plants.

The only drawback with this method of weed removal is that it only kills the upper part of the weed plant. This means you have to dig out the lower root part from the soil with a shovel or hoe, otherwise, the weeds will regrow.

You also have to be very careful with this method of lawn weeds removal because a slight mistake could result in a fire, especially during hot summers.

3. Solarize them

Solarizing is the process of killing weed plants by covering it with a poly film. It works when there is intense heat from the sun. The method is only applicable where the bigger part of the lawn is infested by weeds.

This method is not applicable where there are scattered weeds. Upon laying the cover, the grass underneath should be dead and brown dry after about 2-4 weeks, depending on the intensity of the sun.

To maximize, the intensity of the heat trapped from the sun, use a black poly film.

4. Spray a commercial weed killer

Commercial weed killers for lawns contain chemicals that once sprayed on the plant; they kill it from the leaves down to the roots. They are usually applied directly over the leaves of the weeds by the use of a spray bottle.

A selective herbicide which targets a specific type of weed is the ideal one to use.

Commercial weed killers poison the weed plant beginning with leaves going down to the roots. After application of the chemical weed killer herbicide, the weed plants start weathering and within a few days, they die and dry off, leaving your grass healthy and strong.

The only drawback with this method of killing weeds is that herbicides poison your soil with chemicals which are also harmful to humans and animals. Be sure to read and follow label instructions for safety reasons and also to know the type of grass to use on.

5. Use salt

When mixed with salt, domestic vinegar is a great solution for killing lawn weeds. Mix 1 tablespoon of detergent to 1 cup of table salt and 1 gallon of white vinegar. Use a hand spray bottle to apply the solution to the weeds on the lawn.

Remember to bring the nozzle overhead and close enough to avoid killing grass. The solution sucks water out of the weed plant thus killing it.

6. Hot boiling water

One of the most characteristic approaches to eliminate weeds is by pouring bubbling water over the zone with weeds. This alternative works best when getting rid of weeds on concrete or sideways.

The burning boiling water works best on recently growing weeds and doesn’t influence the seeds in the dirt. This procedure is likewise perhaps the simplest approach to dispose of those undesirable ant colonies from your lawn.

7. Corn gluten meal

Corn gluten meal is a fine residue of corn processing that has been found to forestall weed seeds from sprouting. It’s frequently applied to yards or can be utilized in other nursery zones.

It’s non-poisonous to pets and you can purchase guaranteed natural corn gluten meal from a nearby gardening store or at online retailers like Amazon.

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