How Do You Winterize a Lawn Mower?

Cooler weather usually take a toll on lawn equipment including mowers and irrigation systems. Cables corrode, debris clog tubes and fuel gets bad. Winterizing your lawn mower for storage is an important maintenance step that will see it running well when the next mowing season comes. In this handy guide, learn how to winterize a … Read more

How Do You Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades?

For your lawn mower to be effective at its job, you need to have its blades sharpened at least once a year. Both use and disuse of the blades makes them blunt and the solution is simply sharpening them. After tuning up your lawn mower, the next thing you’ll want to do is to sharpen your … Read more

Water in Gas Lawn Mower: Why + How to Get it Out

A lawn mower engine runs purely on gasoline. Water getting into a lawn mower can result in various problems like the engine not starting, the lawn mower sputtering, and severe damage to the fuel system. So how can water get into a lawn mower? Water in a lawn mower gas tank can result from using a … Read more

Mulching Blades vs Regular Blades – Differences + Which to Use

Mowing is an essential maintenance requirement for growing thick and healthy turf. Depending on your mowing needs, you may use either mulching or a regular lawn mower blade. Let’s see what makes the difference between the two blades. The shape is the main difference you’ll notice when comparing the two blades. A mulching blade features more curves to … Read more

Self-Propelled vs Push Mower – Differences + Choice Guide

Lawnmowers are essential equipment for maintaining a neat thick lawn. You might have seen various lawnmowers, including the self-propelled and push types. So, what’s the difference between a self-propelled and a push mower? Self-propelled mowers are equipped with a gear transmission system that works with the engine or motor to help drive the mower forward. … Read more

Why Does My Lawn Mower Backfire?

Backfire is the loud bang or explosion that your lawnmower may produce while running or shutting off.  This sudden surprise can be irritating and you may end up wondering why does my lawn mower backfire. Although backfire does not damage your engine, it can be an indicator of some other hidden mechanical issues that should … Read more