How to Make Bahia Grass Thicker and Green

Bahia grass, also called highway grass, is a light green coarse textured warm season perennial grass. Its seeds take longer to germinate as they can take up to 28 days, making the young grass vulnerable to weeds. The grass spreads slowly through stolons and it will take longer before establishing a thick turf. To grow … Read more

When to Use a Lawn Roller + How it Works?

A lawn roller is a very useful tool for lawn maintenance. The heavy cylinder attached to an axle is usually pulled over the lawn to flatten out bumpy spots. It can also be used when seeding a new lawn, for pressing grass seed into the topsoil for perfect germination. The equipment can either be pulled manually by … Read more

Bermuda Grass vs. Fescue – Differences + Identification

Bermuda and fescue are good choices for lawn grasses. However, they thrive under different climate conditions. Bermuda is a warm-season grass that thrives in the Southern United States, while fescue is a cool-season grass that grows well in the Northern United States and transition areas. In summary, the following are key differences between Bermuda grass … Read more

Mulching Blades vs Regular Blades – Differences + Which to Use

Mowing is an essential maintenance requirement for growing thick and healthy turf. Depending on your mowing needs, you may use either mulching or a regular lawn mower blade. Let’s see what makes the difference between the two blades. The shape is the main difference you’ll notice when comparing the two blades. A mulching blade features more curves to … Read more

Self-Propelled vs Push Mower – Differences + Choice Guide

Lawnmowers are essential equipment for maintaining a neat thick lawn. You might have seen various lawnmowers, including the self-propelled and push types. So, what’s the difference between a self-propelled and a push mower? Self-propelled mowers are equipped with a gear transmission system that works with the engine or motor to help drive the mower forward. … Read more

Can you Put Scotts Bonus S on Wet Grass?

Scotts Bonus S is a weed killer and lawn feeder for southern lawns. It is a very effective slow-release formula that will leave your lawn looking all green after killing weeds and feeding the grass. So, can you put Scotts bonus S on Wet Grass? Scotts Bonus S should be put on a dry lawn … Read more

Where Do Grubs Come From? [Signs + How to Treat]

A large number of grubs can cause a significant damage to a grass lawn, vegetable or flower garden. Grubs primarily feed on grass roots and other organic matter found in the soil. Grubs are typically larvae of scarab beetles. During late summer and in fall, the beetles lay eggs and burrow them into the turf. … Read more

Does Kentucky Bluegrass Spread? (How Fast?)

Kentucky bluegrass is the fastest spreading cool season grass. The grass is perennial, meaning it grows yearly from the same roots. KBG spreads via rhizomes. So, how fast does Kentucky blue grass spread? Kentucky bluegrass is the fastest spreading cool season grass. It spreads through rhizomes to form a thick dense turf within a short period … Read more

11 Eco-Friendly Grass Alternatives to Green Up Your Lawn

Eco-friendly grass options are as stunning as turf and make for sustainable lawns that help the surroundings as opposed to harming it. With fewer poisonous chemical compounds and less mowing, eco-friendly grass selections support a more healthy ecosystem and more secure yards for youngsters to play in. this article covers the excellent grass choices that … Read more