Lawn Mower Injuries [Statistics You Must know]

Summer is the time when we leave the comfort of our rooms to enjoy outdoor activities. Making a lawn is one of them. However little do we understand that as much as it excites us to see our family have the time of their life while we mow, it can put the lives of our loved ones in danger? Parents searching for low-cost replacement limbs is tragic to witness. This brings us to the question of “what we can do to prevent unfortunate mower accidents?”.

According to lawnmower accidents statistics among the elders, kids also have to face the consequences of careless usage. Children up to age 4 are more prone to suffer foot injuries or amputations as compared to 15 or older. The count stands at 13 visits per day pertinent to such injuries.

Lawnmower Accident Statistics

On average Injuries (Annually) 35,000
Death Rate (Annually) 90
Children (Per Day Visits) 13
70% Victims (1990-2014) Children Under age 5

A US-based lawn care startup ‘ Lawn starter’ reveals that over the past ten years injuries past 26,000 occur from California to the Carolinas. Lawnmowers cause 27% of the reported injuries under lawnmower accident statistics.

Lawnmower accident statistics are staggering according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. 11% of the total reported lawnmower injuries require hospitalization. Conversely, Out of the total other lawn and garden equipment injuries, 7.3% of the victims remain hospitalized.

Riding lawn mower injuries

The mower accidents reported from yard work include amputations, broken bones, cuts, burns, nerve damage, and bruises. Speaking of the riding lawn mower in particular, on average, 35,000 Americans injure themselves and 90 lose their lives to this, annually.

Consumer Product Safety Commission’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System has fast-tracked data from 2010 to 2019. It reveals that careless usage of walk-behind power mowers, riding mowers, and manual mowers have led to Emergency room visits.

According to a study from Johns Hopkins researchers, published in the journal Public Health Reports, 6394 people on average take serious injuries in lawn-mower incidents.

Look out for your Kids

Among the elders, kids also have to face the consequences of the incautiousness. Children up to age 4 are more prone to suffer foot injuries or amputations as compared to 15 or older. The count stands at 13 visits per day pertinent to such injuries according to lawnmower accident statistics.

To Youngsters, it mostly happens when they are, and I quote here from the study, “running into the yard while a family member is operating a lawnmower or sitting on the lap of a riding mower operator, falling, and their foot becoming trapped in the machine.”

Older teens and adults

Older teens and adults suffer “likely because they stuck their hands into the mower to clear debris from the mower and were injured by the blade,” as per the study.

According to NBC News, children under the age of 5 make 70% of the victims reported between 1990 to 2014. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has yet to take account of the issue of backover injuries. Since the commission has not listed the concern on priority under the operating plan for 2019.

Mowing in reverse

Mowing in reverse bodes ill for the consumer. Especially since the representatives of such companies advocate for the feature as a concession to the consumer. They believe it would make it more flexible for the consumer to mow.

The companies go their merry way after issuing warnings over the feature, the underlying intention of which is to ditch lawsuits.

The button to this feature isn’t installed in the back. It allows the consumer to mow without looking back. Hence the operation puts the life of a child at stake.

Flawed safety mechanism

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, in its study, has termed it to be a serious flaw saying “Operators are able to re-engage the mower blades while traveling in reverse without ever looking behind them, which negates the safety purpose of the mechanism,”.

Lawnmower accident statistics put an unjustified yet gargantuan responsibility on parents to be cautious while mowing. Since the industry has done little to install safety mechanisms.

As much as we would like to have the kids enjoy summer and engage in outdoor activities. When you mow your lawn that’s one time when you should not have them around.

When a mower is running and hot, a child would try and touch it and get serious burns as a result. Also, kids are hit in the head or any other sensitive area when the mower shoots out rocks, sticks, or any other items. Riding mowers accidents happen while operating in the reverse. Kids slipping off of the lap of an adult and hurt themselves badly.

How to keep the kids and family safe while mowing

Keep the Kids Inside: Engage the kids in an indoor activity. Turn off the mower and put it away before letting the kids out. Educate them that they should wait to pass by until the person mowing gets far away from the sidewalk.

Don’ use Lawnmowers as a fun tool: It’s not a safe machine to be around even when it’s turned off. Keep it someplace safe so the kids don’t play around or sit on it. Don’t give rides to children on the mower. Since it’s established that the mechanism isn’t consumer-friendly.

Age Limit: Children have to be at least 12 years old to use push mowers. While 16 years is the minimum age requirement for using ride-on mowers. Also, teens should be under adult supervision before they operate independently.

Clean the area: Pick stone, sticks, or similar items in the grass. Put on protective eyewear to protect yourself and others against the items thrown out of the mowers. Since eye injuries are common in such cases.

Use walk behind carefully: Use walk behind the mower with control so that it doesn’t move forward on its own even when the handle is released.

Always mow in forwarding direction: Always mow while going forward. And even if mowing in reverse gets absolutely necessary, look back to make sure there is no one playing or walking nearby.

Wear proper footwear: Don’t wear flip- flop to work. It is advised to have sturdy shoes and long pants on while running the mower.

Avoid Sharp turns and hills: Avoid sharp turns and hills because this would cause the machine to tip over.

Safe Usage of the device

Turn off the device: Be patient while the machine gets turned off. Make sure the blade has come to a complete halt while you begin to dismantle its parts. After making sure that the machine is resting you may then remove the grass catcher. Also, unclog the discharge chute and cross gravel roads when the blades have stopped completely.

Auto shut off: Make sure the ride has an auto shut off when the operator is not on the seat.

Re-filling the fuel: Lawnmowers could hit 240 degrees while running. In case you run out of gas in between, wait for the machine to cool down first before doing the refill.

Stay Away from the exhaust: The burning temperature could get anybody hurt who is in close contact or standing nearby to the exhaust. Make sure to maintain a safe distance.

These precautionary measures can be a lifesaver against riding lawn mower accidents. Please take care of the memories you make with the loved ones

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