Grass Turning Brown Despite Watering? What to do

Water is one of the key requirements for keeping a lawn green. It’s quite frustrating to realize brown patches in your lawn despite your daily efforts of keeping it hydrated. So, why is your grass turning brown despite watering? Despite adequate watering, grass can turn brown as a result of diseases, pest infestation, nutritional deficiency, excess … Read more

Riding Lawn Mower Sputtering? Fixes that Work

A faulty lawn mower can change a busy day set aside to mow your lawn into a garage session of fixing the problem. A sputtering sound indicates a mechanical problem with your lawn mower. So, why is your riding lawn mower sputtering? A riding lawnmower may sputter due to old or contaminated fuel in gas tank, … Read more

Perennial Ryegrass vs. Tall Fescue (Differences + Selection Guide)

Are you thinking of starting a lawn or changing your lawn grass, and you are having difficulty deciding between perennial ryegrass and tall fescue? Both are tough turf grown in cool climates and transition areas. However, they have notable differences, such as shade tolerance, wear tolerance, and soil type preference which are helpful in making a choice. … Read more

How to Keep Birds from Eating Grass Seed – 10 Safe Ways

Starting a new lawn is not for the fainthearted; it comes with many challenges. For grass seed to germinate successfully, you need to prepare the soil adequately, water the seeded lawn thoroughly, and protect the seed from birds and extreme weather conditions. Birds are beautiful creatures but are not welcome in a newly seeded law. … Read more

How to Tell if Grass Seed is Germinating (Ideal Requirements)

Germination is the initial growth process when the seed absorbs enough moisture to start sprouting. Grass seed will germinate in 3 to 4 weeks if the soil conditions are favorable. The seed germination process requires three basic conditions: air, warmth and moisture. Light is also necessary once the seed has germinated. The germination rate of … Read more

Dethatch or Aerate First? Proper Order Explained

To maintain a healthy lawn, you need to water the lawn, fertilize it, and mow it.  However, even with this regular maintenance, the grass may start to thin and display other signs of nutrient deficiency and under-watering. When the lawn displays the above symptoms, the roots are not getting sufficient nutrients and water. To rectify … Read more