Does Vinegar Kill Weeds Permanently? How to use It

Weeds compete with the lawn grass for the limited nutrients, thus affecting its proper growth. With time, the grass starts weathering, turns brown, and could eventually die. So, does vinegar kill weeds permanently? ANSWER: Vinegar contains acetic acid that permanently kills any type of plant it comes into contact with. The higher the percentage of … Read more

What to do with Grass Clippings (After Mowing)

The pieces of grass produced when mowing a lawn are called grass clippings. The main component of grass is water, and this explains why they decompose so fast whether left on the lawn or even when tossed in the composite. Grass clippings also contain very important nutrients like nitrogen, which is highly essential for the … Read more

How to Cut Grass without a Lawn Mower

Lawnmowers have seen rising popularity over the past few decades for various reasons. They are highly efficient since they can cut lawn grass over a large area of grass in a few minutes. The other best thing about lawn mowers is that you do not always have to push them; some can propel themselves over … Read more

Why is my Grass Turning Yellow? How to Fix

Having a great looking luscious green lawn is quite an investment that involves lots of money and effort. This is why it hurts to realize that your lawn grass is changing its green color to something else. So, why is your grass turning yellow? Your grass is turning yellow due to unbalanced supply of nutrients, … Read more

Water in Gas Lawn Mower: Why + How to Get it Out

A lawn mower engine runs purely on gasoline. Water getting into a lawn mower can result in various problems like the engine not starting, the lawn mower sputtering, and severe damage to the fuel system. So how can water get into a lawn mower? Water in a lawn mower gas tank can result from using a … Read more